Blog and News > canddi > Is coronavirus and remote work hurting your B2B lead gen?
Is coronavirus and remote work hurting your B2B lead gen?

We can all agree that the Coronavirus pandemic isn’t exactly ideal.
That said, there is one group of people who are benefitting from the situation. A group who are embracing the pandemic with the kind of wide-eyed reverence usually reserved for doomsday cults.
We’re talking, of course, about remote work advocates.
Countless businesses across the world have already instructed their staff to work from home, following the lead of giants like Twitter and Google.
This is a massive and abrupt shift in the dynamics of B2B, make no mistake about it. But it may also be a blessing in disguise!
People are statistically more efficient when working from home, and the time away from the office gives your B2B prospects much more time to consider new products and services. It’s arguably the perfect time to reach out with relevant content and proposals.
Unfortunately, IP lookup tools can’t provide any actionable insights about prospects who visit your website from their own home. That means if you rely on a tool like Lead Forensics, Leadfeeder, Albacross, or WhoIsVisiting for visibility, there’s a good chance you’ll be missing out on leads.
Why are IP lookup tools useless for tracking remote workers?
IP Lookup tools tell you which companies have been visiting your website. This requires two things:
- The visitor’s company is one of the 8% worldwide who have a registered IP address
- The visitor is browsing from their company IP address (within their office)
Since a lot of your visitors will be browsing from their home IP address, your current tool won’t be able to tell you anything about them.
Without knowledge of new prospects hitting your site, or key target accounts returning to check out your pricing, it’s extremely difficult to know how and when to get in touch. Simply put: if you don’t know who is visiting, you’re likely leaving sales on the table.
What’s the solution?
The truth is, remote working was being touted as the future even before the coronavirus outbreak.
It’s possible that the coming weeks will have a lasting effect on attitudes towards remote work. Don’t be surprised if many businesses actually continue to allow remote work even after the containment of COVID-19, having experienced the fabled productivity boost that comes with it.
So how do you deal with prospects who work individually? You track them individually, of course!
CANDDi doesn’t stop with an IP lookup. We also place first party tracking cookies on every device that hits your website.
For starters, that means when an individual is identified, you know with absolute certainty who to get in touch with. No more playing Guess Who on their company’s LinkedIn!
And, since we’re not limited to just tracking IP addresses, you’ll see all of the activity carried out by people who are outside of their company office. Whether they’re in self-isolation at home, or browsing on their phone while in the pharmacy queue, you’ll be able to see which pages they visit in real time.
So if you’re concerned about losing visibility over your prospects due to remote working, we’d love to have a conversation… over the phone, that is. Safety first.