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CANDDi Tag Management

Published 01 Mar 2021 by Ellice Eadie, CANDDi
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If you want to better filter your website visitors, you can do so with CANDDi Tags.

To do so, you can assign colours to your website visitors in the CANDDi dashboard. This can be found under the ‘Settings’ tab. Once you’ve clicked on this, scroll down to ‘Site Management’ and then click on ‘Tags Management’.

To alter or add colours to your tags, click the square in the colour column to bring up a colour chart.

Tag Management

Once you make your selection, do not click the cross in the corner as that will clear your selection. Just click outside the colour picker box and the colour will be updated.

You can also give your tag a colour order, which decides the display priority. The higher the number, the more priority it has. For example: when a prospect becomes a client, CANDDi will prioritize the green over the blue.

Sometimes you might find it useful to give your tag expiry time parameters, for example: to tag visitors who were on your website within the last 30 days (NOTE: anything longer than seven days will need to be input in seconds through the option ‘other’ when you click on ‘Never Expire’)