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Site tagging individual - what is it?

Published 25 Sep 2020 by Ellice Eadie, CANDDi
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What does it mean?

There are two types of site tagging, group and individual. But we’re here to focus on site tagging individual.

Site tagging individual allows you to tag individual pages on your website the way you like, or tag certain individuals who’ve been visiting certain pages.

How does it work?

Log into your CANDDi dashboard and navigate to the ‘Settings’ tab. From here, scroll down until you reach the ‘Site Management’ section. Here you’ll find everything you need to know. Well, site tagging related of course.

Click on the ‘Site tagging - individual’ option.

site tagging

Now all you have to do is copy and paste the URL of the web page you want to tag into the search bar in the top right corner. Next, choose the ‘Tags’ tab, then ‘Add Tag’ and type in the name of the tag. Click the green tick button to the right afterwards.

Once saved, all the new visitors to that page will have the tag added to their profile. You can then create streams based on visitors having (or not having) visited these pages.

If you need any help getting set up, just drop us a line at