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Customer Minds Campaigns: Adding CANDDi tracking

Published 15 Dec 2021 by Jasmine Collins, CANDDi
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If you’re using our Gmail or Outlook plugin for one-to-one email tracking, then it only makes sense that you want to bring your bulk email marketing platform in on the action.

Luckily for you, CANDDi can integrate with your Customer Minds campaigns, too! Just follow the steps below and you can identify every individual who clicks through from these campaigns onto your website:

In the case of Customer Minds, they use the following personalisation tags:

  • First Name: [[Contact First Name]]
  • Last Name: [[Contact Last Name]]
  • Email: [[Contact email address]]

For every link in your email you need to create a ‘CANDDi Integration’ URL. This URL should look something like this:[[Contact Email Address]]&cfn=[[Contact First Name]]&cln=[[Contact Last Name]]

Simply replace the bold portion of the link above with your desired landing page, and you’re all set to proceed with sending your campaign as normal!

If you’re having trouble adding CANDDi tracking to your Customer Minds Campaigns, please get in touch with our success team at