Blog and News > canddi > CANDDi is one of Northern Tech’s Fastest Growing Companies!
CANDDi is one of Northern Tech’s Fastest Growing Companies!
It has been announced that CANDDi is one of Northern Tech’s top 100 fastest growing companies.
We’ve been working hard to bring a refreshingly personal approach to the world of website analytics, so it’s great to be recognised for the rapid growth we’re experiencing!

For those unfamiliar, the Northern Tech awards chart the achievements of the tech industry’s key players in the North of England. With previous years recognising the achievements of companies like Skyscanner, Nexus, and Missguided, it really is an honour to make the list.
Tim Langley, CEO of CANDDi, commented: “I believe that CANDDi’s success is down to the strength of its team; we have developers that are constantly innovating the platform based on feedback, and a customer success team that genuinely care about helping our users.”
The awards take place later this month in March 2020… until then, we’ll keep doing what we do best: helping businesses to build meaningful relationships with their website visitors!