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What makes a good enquiry form?

Published 06 Nov 2020 by Ellice Eadie, CANDDi
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The web enquiry form is perhaps one of the most important functions of a website, yet with surprisingly regularity, the most overlooked. But don’t worry, CANDDi Capture has got you covered.

When it comes to website forms, it can be easy to completely underrate their importance to your website and your business. Contrary to that, it can be just as easy to get carried away with asking for information, which puts people off filling them in and renders them just as useless as not having them at all.


Simplicity is key

Don’t hide them away under layers of pages to some obscure corner of your site! There’s a reason our CANDDi Capture forms are so effective - we can increase your conversions by 400%!

The quicker and easier it is for a prospect to get in touch, the more efficient revenue generation from your site can be! If you can reduce the clicks needed for prospects to get in touch with you, people are more likely to do it. Make sure you’re only asking for what’s necessary; their name, company and contact details.

Personalise it

With CANDDi Capture, you can choose from a number of form types (e.g. subscribe, download, contact us) to make sure you’re hitting the mark every time. CANDDi Capture is also fully customizable, so you can design them to perfectly match your website’s colour scheme. This is particularly useful for your website if you’re not using a live chat, as a good enquiry form gives prospects the chance to reach out without the anxiety of having to pick up the phone to a complete stranger, ew. It doesn’t hurt that CANDDi Capture can get up to 4x more people identified than your standard website activity alone, either.


No need to worry about devices either, as each CANDDi Capture form is fully optimized for mobiles/ tablets, meaning you can effectively reach prospects no matter where they’re viewing from.

You can also use as many forms as you like, but don’t over do it, you don’t want to scare prospects away!

If you want more help setting up your website’s enquiry forms, let us know at