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When Tracking Goes Too Far?
Do we really understand web tracking and is there a dangerous side to this tool? After reading the article on BBC news about the pair of Scottish pranksters who mocked up a murder scene on Google Street View, it got me questioning the impact of tracking.

At first, I admired the pair for their quick thinking and believable acting skills, but then reading that they were tracked down by the police and made to apologise for wasting resources made me wonder… Do we really understand web tracking and is there a dangerous side to this tool?
####To Share Or Not To Share?
It’s natural to be concerned about online privacy. Most of us share our personal and financial information on a daily basis. A story that has recently highlighted this concern is the hacker attack on eBay and the leak of millions of customer’s personal information.
For more about protecting yourself online, check out Protect Yourself From The Hackers
However, We See Tracking Differently.
The less information we share with the web, the less the web will share with us, now that’s a mouthful.
By sharing who you are and what interests you, businesses are able to better communicate and provide maximum service levels. The right campaigns, the most attractive offers, relevant information and valuable opportunities are a few examples. In the world of big data, it helps sift through piles of information you are not interested in reading and efficiently delivers what you are looking for.
Here at CANDDi we love analytics and enjoy sharing with our customers the tools to improve their customer service. We use tracking to better understand the customer and to improve the channels of communication with their online visitors.
Customers sometimes ask, is what we do at CANDDi legal?
The Answer: YES!
CANDDi does not record any data you would not have access to from your web analytics, CRM, web logs and publicly available sources (such as directory of IP addresses).
We believe in noble selling and unlike other analytic companies, CANDDi does not share and will never share any personal identifiable data between our customers.
For more information, read our privacy policy.
If you want to learn more about providing the best customer service, get in touch with our CANDDi team for a FREE demo
Alice Flook
Who, what, when, now.