Blog and News > canddi > Bring In Your Parents Day
Bring In Your Parents Day
On November 5th 2015, it’s Bring In Your Parents Day and we thought we’d join in...virtually! We didn’t have time to arrange for all of our parents to come in, so we decided to ask them a few questions and write it up instead!
I hope you enjoy reading, it was lovely going through the questions with our parents and seeing what responses we all got…

Tim and his Mum, Morag
What do you think CANDDi does? CANDDi is something to do with enabling businesses to see who visits their website, and how often, and which parts; then it allows them to target responses
What do you think I do at CANDDi? You are the CEO - you manage the company, hire and fire; you also write the programs
What did I want to be “when I grow up”? When you were very young, you wanted to be a train driver; then until GCSEs (I think) you were going to be a surgeon (I remember you carefully cutting an Easter egg with a sharp knife to practice the sort of skills you might need!)
What makes you most proud of me? Your ability to keep going when times are tough
What would you tell my colleagues about me (that I wouldn’t want them to know!)? Can’t think of anything in particular
What’s the best career advice your parent(s) have given you? Don’t become a (school) teacher
What are you most thankful to your parent(s) for that has helped shape you? Not stopping me “in my wild days” of selling Encyclopedias door to door in America. It would have been very easy to say “that’s really stupid idea for your summer job” - but instead they lent me the money to fly to America (knowing I could have lost it all on the toss of a coin) - BUT I guess that’s where you learn to become an Entrepreneur.
Saadia and her Mum, Tahira
What do you think CANDDi does? It helps companies get more business…something to do with sales, I think.
What do you think I do at CANDDi? You help train people and sell CANDDi
What did I want to be “when I grow up”? An Ambulance driver, or a cashier in a bank!
What makes you most proud of me? Providing me with two beautiful grandchildren.
What would you tell my colleagues about me (that I wouldn’t want them to know!)? Nothing…
What’s the best career advice your parent(s) have given you? Don’t ever leave a job without another job to go into!
What are you most thankful to your parent(s) for that has helped shape you? I’m thankful to my Dad for making me and my siblings believe we can achieve anything we want to in life. I’m grateful to my Mum for being both a mother and father figure when my Dad passed away, and for being such a brilliant Grandmother.
Brian and his parents, Brian and Christine
Brian and Christine…
What do you think CANDDi does? Tells a company which other companies and people visited your website.
What do you think I do at CANDDi? Tell companies what else CANDDi can do and how to get the most out of it.
What did I want to be “when I grow up”? Brian wanted to “make money” literally by first making coins out of a kit he bought in a shop and then photocopying bank notes, by the time he was 16 he felt that being a financial adviser was the closest he could get to this without being jailed. He always ran some kind of some small business - selling something!!!
What makes you most proud of me? Being very independent and going for your dreams.
What would you tell my colleagues about me (that I wouldn’t want them to know!)? When Brian had hair, he had an Interview with a Vampire hairstyle, then a Pony-tail, then dreadlocks, then it all fell out!
What’s the best career advice your parent(s) have given you? Do whatever you want but study, get a degree first, then if you want to be a bin-man you can be (nothing against bin men) but a degree can’t be taken away from you and may give you a competitive edge.
What are you most thankful to your parent(s) for that has helped shape you? My parents always encouraged me to try my best even if you fail, at least you tried and did whatever you could, so if you did fail you have no regrets. I have great parents - I’m very lucky!
Maris and his parents, Nadezda and Aleksandrs
Nadezda and Aleksandrs…
What do you think CANDDi does? Mum: Spying on people. Dad: Makes money
What do you think I do at CANDDi? Mum: Stare at the screen and try to understand what is going on. Dad: Try to get part of the money that company makes.
What did I want to be “when I grow up”? Mum: Astronaut, you had that encyclopedia about space travel and stars that you loved Dad: Ice-hockey player
What makes you most proud of me? Mum: Kindness, Caring, Principles Dad: Positive attitude towards life, the positive change I make whenever I do something
What would you tell my colleagues about me (that I wouldn’t want them to know!)? Mum and Dad: Nothing, I am a good parent. :p
What’s the best career advice your parent(s) have given you? Do what you love and if you are good at something never do it for free.
What are you most thankful to your parent(s) for that has helped shape you? Always being supportive in what I wanted to do. Helped me with whatever was on my mind. My parents have always been honest with me.
Lisa and her parents, Margaret and Brian
Margaret and Brian…
What do you think CANDDi does? Mum - Haven’t got a clue Dad - Business Management
What do you think I do at CANDDi? Mum - Don’t know, you’ve tried telling me but I don’t understand it…do you sell computer space? Or something to do with the web? Dad - Management Consultancy
What did I want to be “when I grow up”? Both - A police lady so you could drive a police car
What makes you most proud of me? Mum - Everything you have achieved Dad - Your educational achievements and how I manage to extract money out of them him and mum
What would you tell my colleagues about me (that I wouldn’t want them to know!)? Mum - There isn’t anything they wouldn’t want to know Dad - That I can be moody
What’s the best career advice your parent(s) have given you? Money is not everything but at the same time make sure you’re not struggling. Happiness can be brought in different ways, be happy in what you do. Be secure and make informed decisions rather than being irrational
What are you most thankful to your parent(s) for that has helped shape you? Both my parents have been massively supportive in everything, both personally and educationally/professionally. I can’t thank them enough for their support and no doubt there has been a couple of shocks and surprises along the way but they have always been there to help me through no matter what.
Dan and his Mum, Sharon
What do you think CANDDi does? Tracks website visitors
What do you think I do at CANDDi? Support
What did I want to be “when I grow up”? A teacher
What makes you most proud of me? Everything
What would you tell my colleagues about me (that I wouldn’t want them to know!)? You were obsessed with Barney the dinosaur when you were younger
What’s the best career advice your parent(s) have given you? Enjoy your job
What are you most thankful to your parent(s) for that has helped shape you? Being encouraging without being pushy
Anosh and his Mum, Ambreen
What do you think CANDDi does? Something about computers and the internet.
What do you think I do at CANDDi? Something about computers and the internet.
What did I want to be “when I grow up”? A developer
What makes you most proud of me? That you always come to an understanding with me and that you don’t smoke or drink
What would you tell my colleagues about me (that I wouldn’t want them to know!)? Nothing..
What’s the best career advice your parent(s) have given you? Do what you’re good at, stick with it, be a shepherd, not a sheep and always trust yourself.
What are you most thankful to your parent(s) for that has helped shape you? That they gave up forcing me to become a doctor when I started High School :) #AsianLife
Jen and her Mum, Mary
What do you think CANDDi does? Provides and supports software that enables clients to monitor visitors to their web presence, and provide this information in a way that can provide good sales leads in a timely manner.
What do you think I do at CANDDi? You help clients to use the software to its full potential and thereby increase their sales conversion. By so doing, you encourage the client to continue using CANDDi
What did I want to be “when I grow up”? At various times – a ballet dancer, a writer, a spy, an Export Communications Consultant, an entrepreneur
What makes you most proud of me? Your ability to combine analytical skill with creativity. Your enthusiasm. Your First class degree. What you can do with a lump of clay (or icing). Your independence. Your ability with languages. Your ability to think on your feet and adapt.
What would you tell my colleagues about me (that I wouldn’t want them to know!)? I wouldn’t!
What’s the best career advice your parent(s) have given you? They have given me countless pieces of excellent career advice, I couldn’t pick just one. But one thing my mum worked really hard to teach me (that I’m eternally grateful for) in relation to work was this: Just do it. I used to HATE picking up the phone to call someone, I used to put off scary tasks or things which were difficult, which always makes things worse. My mum used to make me call people when it would have been quicker for her to just do it for me, and always taught me to face problems instead of burying my head in the sand. It’s made things so much easier for me as a real life grown-up now!
What are you most thankful to your parent(s) for that has helped shape you? Openmindedness. My mum has a super inquisitive mind - she’s always interested in everything, quick to think up new ideas and ways around problems, and likes to get stuck in. My dad will examine things from all perspectives, likes to think things through logically, and argues rationally. The combination makes me always interested in and open to new things, with a tendency to try to see things from all angles, which I think has made me a better person. :) Could be the bedtime stories my dad used to read me, too…
Hopefully next year we will plan ahead and invite our parents into the office and do it properly, but even doing it virtually has been great!!! We hope you enjoyed reading…