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Create an Effective Email Campaign With These Easy Steps
A quick and easy guide to getting the most out of your email campaigns.

How To Create An Effective Email Campaign.
Companies blow their marketing budgets on advertising, website management and PR platforms but one of the most effective means of contacting your customer base is through strong email campaigns. In the best cases, it can be a much needed prompt to your customer to re-engage with you or a introduction to a new lead.
So often businesses get this wrong. By spending a little time focusing on the points below, your campaigns will start to bring results.
1. Know your audience
Ask yourself who?
The first thing when putting together your email strategy is to identify who your target audience is. It is so easy to get preoccupied with the content that you want to get out there that you forget who you are speaking directly to. By clearly identifying who will be receiving these emails, you will have them in mind when writing the content which will achieve the right tone and design that will encourage more interaction.
2. Understand your objectives
Ask yourself why?
Outline the aim of your email campaign. What is the purpose of sending it? To target new customers, raise awareness of your products, generate new leads or customer support?
3. Track your campaign
There is no point putting all the work into writing quality content with clear objectives and a strong design if there is no reporting set up to track progress. CANDDi allows you to integrate CANDDi software into ANY email marketing platform (our customers find mailchimp and forfront useful platforms). You can then track who is clicking through and what they are most engaged with before passing the information on to the sales team to perform a warm sales call. Contact us for more information on how to manage this effectively.
Example of a strong email campaign by American airline jetBlue: including all these points.
Keep It Personal: You want engagement? Make the information relevant. Use CANDDi Streams to segment your contacts into categories to send them targeted emails. Read more here about Segmenting your customers into Geographical Locations.
Start As You Mean To Go On: A catchy and concise subject line will achieve more opens and will break through the spam filters.
Make Sure All Links Work: There is nothing more irritating for a potential customer than a broken link and more often than not, they only try clicking through once!
Let us know if this was any help!
For more information on how CANDDi can help strengthen your email campaigns, live chat us now for a free demo
Alice Flook
Who, what, when, now.