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CANDDi’s Additional Domain Add-on

Published 31 Jan 2022 by Chris Glover, CANDDi
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What is the Additional Domain Add-on?

The Additional Domain Add-on allows you to add CANDDi tracking to additional domain(s). This add-on is great if you’re a business with multiple websites for different products or regions.

Why track additional domains?

Tracking multiple domains from your CANDDi dashboard is super powerful as it enables you to track visitors as they move between websites.

For example, if someone gets identified on Website A, CANDDi will recognize them and alert you when they visit Website B. This means you won’t have to worry about identifying them all over again as if they were a new visitor.

CANDDi also allows you to segment the data of your additional domains. You get full visibility over all of your domains, but you do not lose the ability to analyse your websites as separate entities should you wish to.

How do I get started?

Tracking additional domains costs £50 per domain per month, which will be added to your monthly subscription cost until you decide to remove the Add-on. Or, if you’d like to save a bit of money, talk to us about annual access to the Additional Domain Add-on for £500 per year!

To get started, simply login to your dashboard and Head to AddOns (in the top navigation bar). From there you should see an Additional Websites tile, and press the configure button. At which point you will be presented with this screen:

Additional websites configuration dialog

From here you are free to enable or disable as many websites as you like (just remember that each enabled website beyond the first will cost an additional £50/month).

If you have any questions about the Additional Websites Add-on, please contact us at