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How To Write An Email That Satisfies Everybody

Published 17 Nov 2017 by Janie Krahulcova, CANDDi
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There is no one email to satisfy every single person. But there is a method to craft an almost perfect email with hooks to grab attention of various personality types.

How To Write An Email That Satisfies Everybody

Back in September, I wrote a blog on how various personality types and their effect in sales on the pitch and the communication happening between a salesperson and their prospects (read here to meet the personality zoo). Based on how someone communicates in face to face setting, they are likely to read their emails in a similar manner. This blog takes the theory from the first blog post and transforms it into an email template that has a chance of satisfying all four personalities. It is an idea based on the same Chris Murray’s training (website and linkedin page)

First, let’s start with a bit of theory aimed at writing the almost perfect email.

####Yellow Monkey They are talkative, friendly and always in the spotlight. The nonchalance attitude reflects in the way they write and read emails. They like informal and dramatic tone.

####Green Dolphin Sensitive individuals, who work at relaxed pace. They don’t prefer the flare that monkey adores, but cold shoulder won’t cut it either. Friendly and pleasant style in emails tends to ease them into trust.

####Red Lion We’ve covered those as straight to the point, ‘do not waste my time’ type of people. Cleverly concise and direct emails are to their liking. Aim at their bottom line in as few words as possible.

####Blue Elephant In love with the detail and small print, elephants are all about the nitty-gritty. You want to indulge them in all the works so they understand a solution through and through.

So how do you put this together to satisfy everybody? It’s a simple structure where each section acts as a hook for every personality, encouraging them to keep reading by playing into their preferences.

The introduction should be aimed at Monkeys and Dolphins. Get them engaged with a bit of warmth and a bit of drama. But don’t overdo it because soon after that comes the lion’s red attention grab. Here you shock all of your audience into attention with a sentence or two of what it is that you do or want from them. By now Monkey and Dolphin took liking to you. The lion will now be commanded to pay attention if you deliver this line with a punch. Elephant at this stage will become intrigued, wanting the details. That is what you offer next. Lion might skip all the works and react to the attention grab either with an email response, a call or a browse through the website. Monkey and Dolphin might keep reading on or respond as well. The elephant will look into the details before reacting.

Have you noticed? Each section designed to engage a personality type to drive them to take action. That action being to engage with your business. It might not be something as direct as a call or email response at first, but if you can spot them on your website as a result of such an email, then even that is a success as you can then nurture the prospect with more of the content you sent over.

Here is a simplified example for an idea of how such an email could look:

Hi Alex!
I hope you’re well, although it’s Monday morning. But there is something I need to talk to you about.
In CANDDi, we have a service that will stop your sales team from losing deals and help them close more business.
It tracks your website and shows you exactly which businesses but mainly the actual people from these businesses are on the website. That way you know, it’s Joe Black from ABC Limited, that has looked at your particular product or service.
I’m happy to schedule a call to discuss how this solution could bring value to your business.

Looks easy, doesn’t it? I’ve been using this idea since the mentioned training and it’s been giving me great results. I encourage you to try it too. What is there to lose?

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