Quotes > Carley Jones > Take Your Power Back

Life’s too short to let anything rob you of your inner peace. That goes for your personal life and business life too.
No matter what type of decisions you’re making, it’s important to have the courage of your convictions. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, unless it’s heating up your fish dinner in the work microwave. That’s never a good idea.
At CANDDi, we always have the freedom to challenge ideas and have confidence in our own. I think Carley will safely say she had to learn this the hard way when her healthy fast-food business was manipulated by a pair of cowboy investors.
But that didn’t mean she had to sit down and take it.
In the world of business, it can be easy to be overlooked and undermined, especially as a female. So refute the resistance of power. You’ll feel much better for it.
Visit Carley Jones's website here - www.carleyjones.co.uk