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Will the email plugin cause my emails to get stuck in spam?

Published 03 Nov 2020 by Ellice Eadie, CANDDi
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What do you take us for?! Nope, you can rest assured our email plugin won’t result in your emails getting lost in the dark depths of the spam folder.

Tracking emails with the plugin alone will not cause your emails to get caught up in spam filters. However, if you’re finding that your emails are getting caught and the plugin is helping to realise that, it usually means there is an issue with your DNS Configuration. You need to verify your existing domain so that recipients’ spam filters recognise it as a legitimate email.

If you’re including more and more hyperlinks within your emails, without proper configuration, any recipient with a secure spam filter will capture your email. Our email plugin will have no effect on this.

If you want more information on setting up your DNS records to ensure they’re configured properly, speak to us at