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Behavioral Data On Your Website: How To Analyze?

Published 21 Feb 2022 by Tim Langley, CANDDi
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What is user behavior?

User behavior is a very broad term which can refer to user actions, user decisions and user motivations. In this post we will focus on various aspects like user actions, i.e. how users interact with your website by looking at user sessions and user paths and more.

At its core user behavior is the user's action on your website, e.g a click here or a view on this video. There are many reasons users may act in certain ways on your site. Whether they are information gathering, looking to buy something or learning about a topic. But to make it simple, user behavior means user intention and behavior towards your website.

Analyzing data

4 benefits of analyzing user behavior on your website

1. Create user personas

Analyzing user behavior will allow you to better understand user intent and user motivation which will enable you to create a persona of your typical user. This means that you are able to cater for the common user journey your users are taking, by knowing what buttons they are clicking, whether it is an ecommerce site or platform to book flights. By understanding the user path it is possible to identify holes in the process or further information required before being able to convert them into customers.

2. Creating and knowing a scenario with user expectations

Having scenarios map out how users interact with elements on your website makes their entire experience more consistent and smooth for them if they know what to expect, especially when they have high expectations due to value they have received from your service or product. This user behavior analysis also helps to identify user pain points and fix any major problems as they arise with user experience, user interface and user workflow.

3. Create a list of touchpoints

Understanding user intention means that you have a better understanding on which parts of your website have more weight when it comes to user conversions. You can then work on creating a more streamlined user flow that is better attuned to the users needs and expectations and provide them with an improved user journey where every touchpoint has been taken into consideration for what message they will convey.

4. Understand user intention

One of the main benefits of analyzing user behavior during their session on your website is to understand why they are there in order to drive user engagement and user conversion. There are many touchpoints on your website which includes buttons, navigation bars, product pages, call to action but it is important to know why people are clicking that button or what user journey they took before finally reaching that page. You can then use user behavior data to improve user experience by understanding user motivation and creating a better user flow for them.

How to analyze user behavior?

There are various ways to analyze user behavior depending on what you want to measure e.g sessions, user paths or specific interactions with the site such as clicks on certain elements or any other metric KPIs specific tool or analytics package may provide you with.

There are many user behavior analysis tools that allow you to track user behavior on your website, each offering different levels of user data. Some are more user centric by providing user session recordings where it provides information such as pages viewed per user or duration of their visit. Whilst other tools will provide an overall site traffic overview which allows you to see user paths and the number of unique users on your site for a given period.

Another thing that is important to remember is to look at device type when analyzing user behavior because users may use different devices to access your website, e.g one customer could be accessing your site from his phone whilst another user does so via her laptop therefore this should be taken into consideration before drawing any conclusions from user data analysis.

Find out why people are coming to your website

Before looking at user behavior data it is important to identify why people visit your website, so user research through visitor tracking software or user interviews should be carried out first in order to gather user personas. Once you know who your typical user is and what their needs and expectations are then you can use that information as a guide when creating user journeys and scenarios which will ultimately lead to user behavioral analysis.

Find out what makes users leave your website

Once you know where they came from (referral source), what pages they viewed (pages-per-session) and how long they spent on the site (time-per-page or time-on-site) or whether they were referred by social media or email campaigns, you now need to find out why people aren’t converting into customers.

This user behavior data will help you to identify user pain points and user friction where user paths are not meeting user expectations. It may also identify opportunities and areas of improvements such as user journey optimization or user conversion issues.

Understand what makes users convert

One of the main benefits of analyzing user behavior during their session on your website is to understand why they are there in order to drive user engagement and user conversion. There are many touchpoints on your website which includes buttons, navigation bars, product pages, call to action but it is important to know why people are clicking that button or what user journey they took before finally reaching that page. You can then use user behavior data to improve user experience by understanding user motivation and creating a better user flow for them.

Final note

It is important to take user behavior analysis into consideration when looking at user data because it will allow you to know why users do what they do on your website, which would be nearly impossible to figure out without user behavioral data analysis which is easily gathered through CANNDi’s visitor tracking software. You can then use user behavior data to improve user experience by understanding user motivation and creating a better user flow for them.

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